Santiago Weather Forecast, Chile

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Traditional City tour: Santiago

Palacio La MonedaParque Forestal
Bolsa de Comercio
Torre Entel


Santiago is the most safety and modern city of Latin America.
To begin with, we will sleep in “Hostal Río Amazonas” in plaza Italia. During the next day, we will visit the downtown, where it is located the history and cultural heritage of the nation. There are many museums, churchs and square place, such as, the Metropolitan Cathedral, el Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, la Plaza de Armas, el Palacio de la Moneda, la Bolsa de Comercio, los Tribunales de Justicia, el Parque Forestal, la Torre Entel, el Museo Casa Colorada .
Then we will go to Parque Forestal, to an active, cultural, and gastronomical core.
To finish we will visit Bellavista neighbourhood, which is an area that combines many different things like restaurants, museums, gallery art, theatral rooms, jewellers and crafts. Also in this place we can go shopping. This is a very turistic and beautiful place.

Hostal AD

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