Santiago Weather Forecast, Chile

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

The chilean education

The chilean education has four levels:
-pre school, basic, high school and superior.
The education depends of the L.O.C.E since 1990 and it is regulated by education ministry.
The pre school education divides on crik room (84 days until 2 years)
-half (since 2 years until 4 years)
-pre- kinder (since 4 years until 5 years)
-kinder (since 5 to 6 years).
The basic education divides on two cycles:
-1º, 2º, 3º, 4º
-5º, 6º, 7º, 8º.
High school divides on 1º to 4º.
IN Cjile there also exist tchecnical education.
In high school exist 5 types of establishment (que quieres decir con eso? Establecimientos¿ no se dice asi, me temgo que averiguar)
-techenical training center.
-prefesional institutes.
-higher education institutions of the armed forces and order.

Uniform´s description
Woman: jumper or skirt, black shoes, blue sockets, white blouse, tie and sweater.
For gym girl use sport clothes.
Men: gray trouser, black shoes, blue sockets, white or sky blue shirt, tie sweater an jacket.
For gym boys use sport clothes.

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