Santiago Weather Forecast, Chile

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

The chilean education

The chilean education has four levels:
-pre school, basic, high school and superior.
The education depends of the L.O.C.E since 1990 and it is regulated by education ministry.
The pre school education divides on crik room (84 days until 2 years)
-half (since 2 years until 4 years)
-pre- kinder (since 4 years until 5 years)
-kinder (since 5 to 6 years).
The basic education divides on two cycles:
-1º, 2º, 3º, 4º
-5º, 6º, 7º, 8º.
High school divides on 1º to 4º.
IN Cjile there also exist tchecnical education.
In high school exist 5 types of establishment (que quieres decir con eso? Establecimientos¿ no se dice asi, me temgo que averiguar)
-techenical training center.
-prefesional institutes.
-higher education institutions of the armed forces and order.

Uniform´s description
Woman: jumper or skirt, black shoes, blue sockets, white blouse, tie and sweater.
For gym girl use sport clothes.
Men: gray trouser, black shoes, blue sockets, white or sky blue shirt, tie sweater an jacket.
For gym boys use sport clothes.

Traditional City tour: Santiago

Palacio La MonedaParque Forestal
Bolsa de Comercio
Torre Entel


Santiago is the most safety and modern city of Latin America.
To begin with, we will sleep in “Hostal Río Amazonas” in plaza Italia. During the next day, we will visit the downtown, where it is located the history and cultural heritage of the nation. There are many museums, churchs and square place, such as, the Metropolitan Cathedral, el Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, la Plaza de Armas, el Palacio de la Moneda, la Bolsa de Comercio, los Tribunales de Justicia, el Parque Forestal, la Torre Entel, el Museo Casa Colorada .
Then we will go to Parque Forestal, to an active, cultural, and gastronomical core.
To finish we will visit Bellavista neighbourhood, which is an area that combines many different things like restaurants, museums, gallery art, theatral rooms, jewellers and crafts. Also in this place we can go shopping. This is a very turistic and beautiful place.

Hostal AD

Comparation between two movies.

PSYCHO, 1960 Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Is reconized like the most important terror movie of the history. Nowadays many horror movies are based on this film.
Every scene captures what the director wants to show and what he wants to say.

PSYCHO, 1980 Director: Gus Van Sant
This director did a remake of this movie but still he conserves almost all the scenes, the only diference is that was filmed in color. The story is the same: Marion Crane runs with stolen money and he gets lost in the middle of the night and decides to sleep on Norman Bates motel. This is a strange person that hides more than what he shows.
In comparison with the original movie, it isn´t a great film, but it is alike.

Description of a famous person.

Mauricio Ricardo Pinilla Ferrera
He was born in born in Santiago, Chile. On the 4th of Febrerary of 1984. He is a prefessional soccer player. The firts team in which he played was Club deportivo Universidad de Chile, on 2002. Here he showed his habilities and capacities.
On 2003 he entered to “Chievo Verona” from Italy. During 2004 he played on the “Celta de Vigo” from Spain, then on 2005 he played on “Sporting de Lisboa” from Portugal. On 2006 he played in the “Racing de Santander” of Spain. Actually he is playing on the “Heart of Midlothian” from Scothland, since 2007. He has been a successful player.
His nickname is Pinigol: The football artist.

Ask to god

The crew

Personal biography

My name is Maria Ignacia Concha. I am 23 years- old. I was born in Santiago de Chile.
I have one sister and one brother or I have two siblings , Francisca and Diego. My father’s name is Eduardo and my mother’s is Isabel. We are little but very happy family.
When I was born, we used to live in Santiago, but then my parents decided to move to Malloco. This place is outside Santiago, is a farm and is where I grew up and where I currently live.
I went to carampangue school and all my friend belong to this place. When i finished school I entered to Diego Portales University to study publicity o advertising .
Actually I’m in 5th grade and I’m very happy whit my decision.
Description of the area alive
Malloco is the place where i live. This is a little town, that is located outdoors from Santiago. Is a place very peaceful, and where there isn’t much urbanization. It has only a supermarket, a church, a square place and a little shopping. Here people lives in little farm where they build their homes and have different animals like dogs, cats, horses, chickens, etc. Also, some of them are farmers, who cultivate the soil. In conclusion o as a conclusion I can say that this place is very beautiful, without smog and with a lot of green areas.

Any day
Yesterday I awoke at 10:00 am, took a shower, had breakfast, and then I left from my house. I walked to the bus stop, and took a bus that left me in Estacion Central. When I was there I walked to my university. I assisted to all my classes where I learned a lot. At the end of my classes I had fun with my friends and then my mother went for me. We went to the supermarket, bought some grocery, and then returned to our home where we drank a good cup of tea.
After resting for a while, I worked on my computer, ate dinner and at the end of the day I went very happy to my bed to watch Tv.

Professional ambition
My idea is to finish university and then work on publicity. I want to know how is to work
in this area. Then I would like to study photography and maybe also study english. My professional ambitions are to learn more every day to be the best.
I think that this work will give me many satisfactions and that I will have such a good remunerations that will allow me to have a good and peaceful life.

Personal biography

My name is Francisco Rapiman. I´m 22 years old and was born in Santiago de Chile.
I have three sisters, Andrea, Rosario and Maria. My father have my same name, and my mother name is Maria Eugenia.
I´m living in the same place for all my life.
When I was 17, my grandmother die, and my father became very sad.
I went to Liceo Aleman school, but i didn´t learn anything, the level of education was very low.
now i am happy becouse i am one step away of becoming a freelance designer.

Description of the area alive.

Independencia is the place where I live. This is a long street that is located in north of Santiago. Is a place were live a lot of homeless. Near my house is The General Cementery and zombies came out at night, to dance with the homeless.
Thursday and Friday a gipsy market locate in front of my house.

Any Day.

Yesterday was work day, i awoke up at 3 am, i finished all of my work at 9 am, and i had the rest of the day off.

Professional ambition
Rule the world with my creative vision and my powershot. show what people dont want to see, because i live at the same place that you the only diference i am behind the stage, i am in that dark place you afraid and hate.

Personal biography
My name is Jorge Felipe Camoglino Muñoz. I was born on November 27, 1984 in Santiago of Chile. Since I remember I have lived in a house in Macul district together with 2 brothers and my parents. My house is located in a so called villa " the husares " and in here I lived a pretty childhood with many friends which I still have.
I studied my basic education in a school calledMercedes Marin del solar and high school at a liceo calledJose Victorino Lastarria. I finished my studies of preparatory in the year 2002. After having a vocational crisis I change to Diego Portales university to study advertising. Now I am coursing the last semester of the carrer.
Regarding my personal tastes, I like to see and to play soccer. In my free time I like to go to parties and to share with friends.

Description of the area alive

the area where my house is located is called Macul, but it is also known as " the hussars villa " , this is a very nice place where about 100 families of middle class live in bollow houses. The sector where I live in ,can be considered a neutral and harmonic point in the middle of a troubled and sometimes dangerous sector, which makes it a unique place. The villa has a long street with 12 passages, a square, a school, a field of table football and community center.
The neighbors are very close and activities are often organized for all the villa. " The Huares " it is a safety and pretty place with a favored location regarding public transportation. In my opinion, I think is a perfect place to live.

Any Day.
My ambitions as a professeional are more relatead to valoric and etics issues, that goes beyond winning money, having a good house and a beatifull family. my ambitions as a proffesional are become a better person, do a good work and feel proud for my job. Without a dont all of this is going to give me a finacially and emocional estability.

Any given sunday for Felipe Camoglino.
My day began early, i woke up at 10 am whit some music then i went to the bathroom and i washed mi teeth. Then i returned to my room to spent long hours on internet.
About 2 pm i went out of my room to had some lunch with my family. After this i rested in front of the tv and i took a little nap.
In the afternoon i went to visit an old friend and i spoked to her about my life and plans.
At 9 pm i drakn some te and ate a bread whit butter, after that i rang my sister to remaind her than next week is our mother birthday.
At 11 am i went to sleep.